Personal | A day trip to Saugatuck

This summer is just flying by. It’s our busy season with photo sessions and Derek’s been so busy with work, that we haven’t had much time for anything other than work lately. Since we don’t have any trips planned until September, we decided a day trip to Saugatuck was needed.

I went to Oval Beach last year to work on some personal photography projects, and I’ve been itching to get back! The beach is so clean, the water is so clear and crisp, and it’s just really a beautiful place to hang out at. (NatGeo Travel rated Oval Beach the top TWO fresh water beaches in the country, and you’ll see why in the  photos below.)

kellie&jean photography

The weather was supposed to be perfect that day! And it was perfect… right up until we got to the Grand Rapids area, and saw pitch black skies up ahead. It was 10am, and it looked like it was night time. It got so bad that we weren’t sure if we should take the loss and turn around or keep going. You can see in the picture below, the break in the clouds. Driving underneath that was scary. It almost looked like the cold front vs. warm front, which would put as right smack dab in the middle of a nasty storm. We finally got through that, and once we arrived to the beach, the weather was once again perfect.

On the way home, we stopped at this really cool antique shop- one of the biggest I’ve ever seen. If you’re ever in need of old barn doors with the paint chipping, you need to come here. I tried so hard to find a way to get a few of those home, but it was a no go. 🙁 I know where to go when I have the space for them though. They will be mine, one day.

Perfect little getaway, and exactly the kind of break we both needed!

kellie&jean photographykellie&jean photographykellie&jean photographykellie&jean photographykellie&jean photographykellie&jean photographykellie&jean photographykellie&jean photographykellie&jean photographykellie&jean photographykellie&jean photographykellie&jean photographykellie&jean photographykellie&jean photographykellie&jean photographykellie&jean photographykellie&jean photography

PS. All photos taken with and edited on (gasp!) my iPhone! 

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July 23, 2015


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