Natural metro detroit family photography by kellie&jean photography

Meet Hudson!

Introducing… the love of our life! After taking an extended maternity leave, I’m back! Meet Hudson!

Natural metro detroit family photography by kellie&jean photography

Life is so different. My business is so different. I’M so different. We had Hudson smack-dab in the middle of my busy season, July 2016, so it feels like I’ve been gone for an eternity. After he was born, I took the rest of the photography season off to focus on being his mama.

He’s 8 months old now, and he is such a character. I could talk for days about how funny he is, how smart he is, and how awesome he is. As if he isn’t cool enough, I have my very own muse now too. Every photographer/artist needs a muse.He helps my skills stay sharp because I photograph him every single day. He makes me see my house from different angles, in a different light- which I thought was impossible.

Bottom line: he’s the best, and you’ll see more of him in the future! I’ve been doing a 52 Week Photography Project since January, and naturally, he’s the subject of a lot of them.

meet-hudsonkelliejean photographyintroducing hudson

March 6, 2017


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