Getting Personal: Things I love

You know my name. You know that I’m a photographer. You know what my business is about.

But how well do you know the person behind the lens?


getting personal

[su_dropcap size=”4″]#1[/su_dropcap]This is a given. My little family will always be my number one spot in life. My husband, Derek is always my biggest supporter in all of my crazy ideas, and he never gets sick of me force-stopping everything we’re doing, just to take a picture. [okay, he might get sick of it, but he never complains!] Our dog’s name is Marley. He’s a 10 year old going-on-puppy, boxer. He’s rarely calm, barely quiet, and thinks he’s a human.


[su_dropcap size=”4″]#2[/su_dropcap]Another given. My camera. It is without a doubt, my most prized possession, and if I had to grab only one item out of a burning house [provided all living beings were safe], it would be this. I have a really bad habit of not carrying my camera with me enough during my off time, therefore relying on my iPhone. Thank god for smart phones, and how far the camera technology on phones has come. [edit: since drafting this post, my goal has been to carry my camera daily. So far- lots of staring, and a few questions, but more importantly- better pictures.]


[su_dropcap size=”4″]#3[/su_dropcap]Ahhhhhhh. Just looking at it gives me a craving. Starbucks Iced Coffee. A teeny tiny bit of creamer, and a little bit of sugar. Zing! I’m not embarrassed that I’m a gold card member. I do it for my brand. All things gold, right? I have to do whatever it takes, even if that means drinking something delicious a few times a week. [that was me convincing myself that I do it “for the people”. I don’t. It’s purely selfish.]


[su_dropcap size=”4″]#4[/su_dropcap]Handbags are my weakness. All shapes, sizes, colors, & textures. I can’t have enough, and I never throw them away. I still have all of my purses from high school! A matching wallet or two doesn’t hurt either.


[su_dropcap size=”4″]#5[/su_dropcap] I love road trips. 99% of my time is spent researching & planning my next trip. While it’s not always easy to pick up & go, daydreaming about it is always fun- plus whenever the opportunity does present itself, the details have already been somewhat planned out! What I love most about it is that all of the daily life distractions [ie: do the laundry, clean the house, pull the weeds, etc….] seem to almost disappear. Good company, amazing scenery, and a really good playlist are my necessities. 


[su_dropcap size=”4″]#6[/su_dropcap]If I had to survive on one food for the rest of my life, chocolate would be it. And salad. Which doesn’t really make a lot of sense, but I love chocolate and I love salad. 


[su_dropcap size=”4″]#7[/su_dropcap] Okay. Im a hoarder. Perfume hoarder. My collection grows, and I no longer have a go-to scent. Whenever I smell one of my perfumes on someone else, I say ‘that’s my signature smell’, but I really don’t have one anymore. Is it possible to have multiple signature scents? I don’t even know, but I’m going to continue to pretend that it is. Along with my go-to perfumes, are empty bottles of go-to perfumes, that haven’t yet been replaced. I refuse to throw them away in case I forget that it was once my jam. Definition of a hoarder. GUILTY!


[su_dropcap size=”4″]#8[/su_dropcap]I can’t function without a to-do list. If my Notes app on my iPhone ever crashed, I would be devastated. It did crash one time and I lost 14 notes. Let’s just say that it wasn’t a safe time to be around me. I have a new list every day, sometimes planning out each day of the week with things that need to be done, way ahead of time. Not only do I have my phone notes to serve as an on-the-go list, but I also have master lists on paper, and another one written in my calendar. It keeps me organized, happy, and sane.


[su_dropcap size=”4″]#9[/su_dropcap]I love late night walks. Everything is quiet, even if you live in the city, like me. No cars, no people, no noise! It almost makes you feel like time is standing still because it’s so peaceful & quiet. 


[su_dropcap size=”4″]#10[/su_dropcap]Northern Michigan. Need I say more? There’s a reason it’s been voted into the top most beautiful places in the US. Add it to my road trip list, to be checked off at least once a year.


[su_dropcap size=”4″]#11[/su_dropcap]The perfect pen. Does this make me a nerd? Yes. But there is nothing like a really good writing utensil. And the pilot g-2 10 is my favorite. Again, pure nerdery.


[su_dropcap size=”4″]#12[/su_dropcap]The higher the heel, the closer to heaven, right? Remember how I said earlier that I was a perfume hoarder? My hoard-iness (just made that a word) doesn’t end at perfume. I have zero self control when it comes to heels. [I also have no control with tennis shoes- both ends of the spectrum, and no problems in between.] Sometimes, I wear them around the house, even if I’m not going anywhere. I have heels that I wore in high school still, that are completely out of style now, that I just can’t part with. And because I have big feet, I never have to share them with my friends, so I get to be completely greedy with them.


[su_dropcap size=”4″]#13[/su_dropcap]I don’t know what I was doing before I discovered Ocean Salt from Lush, but whatever it was, it was all wrong. I can’t live without it, and I don’t ever want to. The smell alone is pure heaven, and the way it makes my skin feel after using it… forget about it. 


[su_dropcap size=”4″]#14[/su_dropcap]It might not be obvious from the picture, but organization makes my life sooo much easier, which in turn makes me really happy. I clean my office once or twice a week, so that my working area doesn’t get cluttered. I can’t even concentrate when miscellaneous items are out of place on my desk, or in my line of sight. Is my bed made today? Nope! But my desk is clean! Priorities, people.


[su_dropcap size=”4″]#15[/su_dropcap]The first snow fall. People think I’m crazy because I actually like driving during this time. The feeling is similar to taking my walks at night. It’s like a GHOST TOWN when it first starts snowing. Everything is quiet and still, and it’s always so bright outside. When it gets like this in March, I have a harder time appreciating it, but when it’s supposed to be winter, I love it!


[su_dropcap size=”4″]#16[/su_dropcap]Motivational quotes. I know it’s kind of cheesy, but sometimes all the time, they give me just the right amount of positive vibes that I need for the day. Pinterest is a gold mine. This one is a favorite. It says “Every morning, you have two choices: continue to sleep with your dreams, or wake up and chase them.” If that doesn’t get you up and out the front door, tell me what does!


You can learn more about me & what I can offer you, here!




September 5, 2014


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Ready to start being in the pictures and stop being the one who takes them?