First of all, you might be wondering what a Fresh 48 Newborn Session is.
It’s similar to a birth photography session, in that it’s capturing the moments as they naturally occur, at the hospital, birthing center, or home. The session takes place within 48 hours of birth, hence the name. It differs from birth photography, because the session doesn’t begin until after you’ve given birth. The Fresh 48 Session gives mom, dad & baby time to rest, and allows time for visitors to arrive.
Some photographers would prefer to photograph this session of parents & baby alone. I, however, thoroughly enjoy capturing family & friends welcoming the new baby into the world with love, and documenting grandparents, aunts & uncles, meeting their new little family member for the first time. It’s a really beautiful experience, and even more beautiful to have photos that documented this joyous occasion.
Lula’s Fresh 48 newborn session was truly breathtaking.
Lula was born at Providence Park Hospital in Novi, on August 6th, at 11:35 pm. I arrived the next morning around 10:00am to find Tony sleeping peacefully after a long & exciting night, and Shpresa looking radiant & beautiful, holding her new daughter. Both of them were beaming with happiness, as to be expected.
A little back story on this birth: Lula’s original due date was August 17th, and she was scheduled to be born at Beaumont Hospital in Royal Oak. When Shpresa went into labor, she knew there wouldn’t be enough time to make the 45 minute drive to Royal Oak, and instead, quickly rushed to Providence Park in Novi, arriving at around 10:50pm.
As you know, most of the time, when it’s your first baby, you have hours and hours of labor- and the nurses know this. They typically show you a seat when you arrive, notifying you that a room will soon be ready. Well Shpresa knew that Lula was coming NOW, and that she couldn’t wait. The staff in the birthing wings of hospitals frequently hear this from new moms, so they typically try to calm you down, while again, instructing you to find a seat, rather than rushing you to a room like you wish they would do.
They ended up getting situated in their room shortly after. And surprise! She was right- Lula was on her way. To put it into perspective, Tony & Shpresa arrived to the hospital at 10:50pm, and Lula was born at 11:35. 45 MINUTES LATER!! That ‘mother’s intuition’ really does kick in before the baby is born.
The amount of people who came to visit Lula during this session was overwhelming- in the most amazing way. At only a day old, she was surrounded by love & care from her Grandparents, uncles, aunts, and close friends of Tony & Shpresa’s- each of the visitors in awe of her beauty. Capturing their expressions as they walked in the door; as they held her for the first time; as they kissed her sweet face, was one of the most magical things I have ever photographed.